Beta Migration Guide
Summary of changes:
All chain data has been reprocessed and reported data quality issues have been fixed (i.e. missing or incorrect decoded data, added "0-padding" for decoded arguments in calls and events)
RAW and DECODED schemas are no longed necessary. All tables are available in a single database schema.
Raw and decoded tables have been merges into single tables for all entities.
Traces table has been renamed to Calls to keep consistency with the multi-chain data model.
Two separate status columns have been added to flag the status of the decoding processes:
decoded - Flags the success (true) or failure (false) of the decoding process. Exact definition depends on each record type.
processed - defines processing status of a record by the decoding ETL process.
Data set includes reverted transactions. These can be easily identified via the reverted column in the transactions table.
Columns have been renamed, removed or added across all tables. Specific details and mapping to the new column are provided for each table to facilitate changing queries.
Changes in the data model
Once you have moved the new database you can follow the details below to update your queries. Make sure that you also update the name of the database and the schema. Need help? Reach out to our team.
New columns
Column Name | Data Type | Layer | Definition |
updated_at | timestamp | TECH | Technical field. Timestamp of the ETL process that has updated the row in the table. Equal to loaded_at on first insert. |
block_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the block across chains and generation, constructed by concatenating chain_id, generation and block number. |
block_date | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Date of the block - precomputed to be used for analytics purposes, inherited by calls, events, transactions and diffs happening in the same block. |
protocol_version | varchar | RAW | Version of the chain that was live at the moment when the node was added to the chain. For details about Starknet version see the official release notes: |
processed | boolean | TECH | Technical field. Defines processing status of a block by the decoding ETL process. |
Existing columns
Schema - SDW BETA | Column - SDW BETA | Column - MCDW Starknet | Changes & Comments |
RAW | block_hash | block_hash | |
RAW | block_number | block_number | |
RAW | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
RAW | gas_price | gas_price | |
RAW | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
RAW | parent_hash | parent_hash | |
RAW | sequencer | sequencer_address | Renamed |
RAW | state_root | state_root | |
RAW | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
RAW | tx_count | tx_count | |
DECODED | block_hash | block_hash | |
DECODED | block_number | block_number | |
DECODED | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
DECODED | gas_price | gas_price | |
DECODED | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
DECODED | parent_hash | parent_hash | |
DECODED | sequencer | sequencer_address | Renamed |
DECODED | state_root | state_root | |
DECODED | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
DECODED | tx_count | tx_count |
New columns
Column Name | Data Type | Layer | Definition |
updated_at | timestamp | TECH | Technical field. Timestamp of the ETL process that has updated the row in the table. Equal to loaded_at on first insert. |
block_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the block across chains and generation, constructed by concatenating chain_id, generation and block number. |
block_date | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Date of the block - precomputed to be used for analytics purposes, inherited by calls, events, transactions and diffs happening in the same block. |
tx_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the transaction, constructed by concatenating block id and transaction index, separated by underscores. |
function_signature | varchar | RAW | Binary signature of the called function. 0x in case of pure Ether transfers. |
class_hash | varchar | RAW | Hash of the contract class definition (KECCAK-256). |
tx_value | number | RAW | Ether amount transferred, in WEI. Value must be divided by 10^18 to obtain Ether amount. 0 if no Ether transfer happened. |
created_address | varchar | RAW | Address of created contract. |
reverted | boolean | RAW | Flags persistent (false) or reverted (true) calls. Reverted diffs can originate from technical failures (code errors), gas limits (more gas needed than was staked) or contract logic. |
revert_reason | varchar | RAW | Error description for reverted transactions, as provided by the smart contract. Empty for successful transactions. |
execution_resources | json | RAW | Resources consumed by the transaction execution. |
processed | boolean | TECH | Technical field. Defines processing status of a block by the decoding ETL process. |
Existing columns
Schema - SDW BETA | Column - SDW BETA | Column - MCDW Starknet | Changes & Comments |
RAW | actual_fee | actual_fee | |
RAW | block_number | block_number | |
RAW | call_data | - | Removed |
RAW | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
RAW | class_hash | class_hash | |
RAW | contract | to_address | Renamed |
RAW | contract_salt | - | Removed |
RAW | entry_point_selector | - | Removed |
RAW | entry_point_type | - | Removed |
RAW | execution_resources | execution_resources | |
RAW | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
RAW | max_fee | max_fee_per_gas | Renamed |
RAW | nonce | nonce | |
RAW | signature | - | Removed |
RAW | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
RAW | tx_hash | tx_hash | |
RAW | tx_index | tx_index | |
RAW | type | tx_type | Renamed |
RAW | version | - | Removed |
DECODED | actual_fee | actual_fee | |
DECODED | block_number | block_number | |
DECODED | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
DECODED | class_hash | class_hash | |
DECODED | contract | to_address | Renamed |
DECODED | entry_point_selector | - | Removed |
DECODED | entry_point_type | - | Removed |
DECODED | execution_resources | execution_resources | |
DECODED | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
DECODED | max_fee | max_fee_per_gas | Renamed |
DECODED | nonce | nonce | |
DECODED | signature | - | Removed |
DECODED | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
DECODED | tx_hash | tx_hash | |
DECODED | tx_index | tx_index | |
DECODED | type | tx_type | Renamed |
DECODED | version | - | Removed |
DECODED | error | exception_error | Renamed |
DECODED | function | - | Removed |
DECODED | inputs | - | Removed |
DECODED | l1_message_nonce | l1_message_nonce | |
DECODED | outputs | - | Removed |
This table has been renamed to Calls
New columns
Column Name | Data Type | Layer | Definition |
updated_at | timestamp | TECH | Technical field. Timestamp of the ETL process that has updated the row in the table. Equal to loaded_at on first insert. |
block_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the block across chains and generation, constructed by concatenating chain_id, generation and block number. |
block_date | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Date of the block - precomputed to be used for analytics purposes, inherited by calls, events, transactions and diffs happening in the same block. |
tx_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the transaction, constructed by concatenating block id and transaction index, separated by underscores. |
call_depth | number | TECH | Depth of the call in the transaction execution tree, incremental, starting at 0 for top level calls (call_path='0_2_1' depth= 3 means three level down in the execution tree). |
call_value | number | RAW | Ether amount transferred, in WEI. Division by 10^18 to obtain Ether amount. 0 if no Ether transfer happened. |
created_address | varchar | RAW | Created address in the case of 'CREATE' call. NULL for any other call type. |
processed | boolean | TECH | Technical field. Defines processing status of a block by the decoding ETL process. |
decoded | boolean | TECH | Technical field. Flags the success (true) or failure (false) of the decoding process. In the case of unsucessful decoding, function_signature = function_name |
Existing columns
Schema - SDW BETA | Column - SDW BETA | Column - MCDW Starknet | Changes & Comments |
RAW | block_number | block_number | |
RAW | caller | from_address | Renamed |
RAW | call_data | call_data | |
RAW | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
RAW | class_hash | class_hash | |
RAW | contract | to_address | Renamed |
RAW | entry_point_selector | function_signature | Renamed |
RAW | entry_point_type | function_type | Renamed |
RAW | execution_resources | execution_resources | |
RAW | invocation_type | invocation_type | |
RAW | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
RAW | results | return_data | Renamed |
RAW | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
RAW | trace_path | call_path | Renamed |
RAW | trace_type | call_type | Renamed |
RAW | tx_hash | tx_hash | |
DECODED | block_number | block_number | |
DECODED | caller | from_address | Renamed |
DECODED | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
DECODED | contract | to_address | Renamed |
DECODED | entry_point_selector | function_signature | Renamed |
DECODED | entry_point_type | function_type | Renamed |
DECODED | execution_resources | execution_resources | |
DECODED | invocation_type | invocation_type | |
DECODED | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
DECODED | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
DECODED | trace_path | call_path | Renamed |
DECODED | trace_type | call_type | Renamed |
DECODED | tx_hash | tx_hash | |
DECODED | function | function_name | Renamed |
DECODED | inputs | arguments | Renamed |
DECODED | outputs | outputs | |
DECODED | trace_id | call_id | Renamed |
New columns
Column Name | Data Type | Layer | Definition |
updated_at | timestamp | TECH | Technical field. Timestamp of the ETL process that has updated the row in the table. Equal to loaded_at on first insert. |
block_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the block across chains and generation, constructed by concatenating chain_id, generation and block number. |
block_date | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Date of the block - precomputed to be used for analytics purposes, inherited by calls, events, transactions and diffs happening in the same block. |
tx_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the transaction, constructed by concatenating block id and transaction index, separated by underscores. |
implementation | varchar | RAW | Smart contract address that provides the event semantics (ABI) - called contract for DELEGATE calls or calling contract for the rest of the call types. |
event_signature | varchar | RAW | Raw hexadecimal indexed content of the event (topic 0). |
event_name | varchar | DECODED | Name of the event, as decoded by Token Flow processes (ABI or inferred from similar functions). Contains event_signature if not found. |
processed | boolean | TECH | Technical field. Defines processing status of a block by the decoding ETL process. |
decoded | boolean | TECH | Technical field. Flags the success (true) or failure (false) of the decoding process. In the case of unsucessful decoding, event_signature = event_name |
Existing columns
Schema - SDW BETA | Column - SDW BETA | Column - MCDW Starknet | Changes & Comments |
RAW | block_number | block_number | |
RAW | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
RAW | class_hash | class_hash | |
RAW | contract | contract_address | Renamed |
RAW | data | log_data | Renamed |
RAW | event_order | log_index | Renamed |
RAW | keys | topics | Renamed |
RAW | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
RAW | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
RAW | trace_path | - | Renamed |
RAW | tx_hash | tx_hash | |
DECODED | block_number | block_number | |
DECODED | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
DECODED | class_hash | class_hash | |
DECODED | contract | contract_address | Renamed |
DECODED | event_order | log_index | Renamed |
DECODED | keys | - | Removed. Replaced by event_signature (topic0) |
DECODED | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
DECODED | tx_hash | tx_hash | |
DECODED | event_id | event_id | |
DECODED | name | event_name | Renamed |
DECODED | parameters | parameters | |
DECODED | trace_id | call_id | Renamed |
New columns
Column Name | Data Type | Layer | Definition |
updated_at | timestamp | TECH | Technical field. Timestamp of the ETL process that has updated the row in the table. Equal to loaded_at on first insert. |
block_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the block across chains and generation, constructed by concatenating chain_id, generation and block number. |
block_date | varchar | RAW | Timestamp of the block. Unique for every block and inherited by calls, events, transactions and diffs happening in the same block. |
tx_id | varchar | TECH | Technical field. Identifier of the transaction, constructed by concatenating block id and transaction index, separated by underscores. |
message_id | varchar | TECH | Unique identifier of the message. |
message_source | varchar | TECH | Source of the message: it can be L1 or L2 |
message_nonce | number | RAW | Nonce of the message from L1 to L2 |
processed | boolean | TECH | Technical field. Defines processing status of a block by the decoding ETL process. |
decoded | boolean | TECH | Technical field. Flags the success (true) or failure (false) of the decoding process. |
Existing columns
Schema - SDW BETA | Column - SDW BETA | Column - MCDW Starknet | Changes & Comments |
RAW | block_number | block_number | |
RAW | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
RAW | class_hash | class_hash | |
RAW | from_address | l2_address | Renamed |
RAW | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
RAW | message_order | message_order | |
RAW | payload | payload | |
RAW | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
RAW | to_address | l1_address | Renamed |
RAW | trace_path | - | Removed |
RAW | tx_hash | tx_hash | |
DECODED | block_number | block_number | |
DECODED | chain_id | chain_id | Change in logic and data type. Value for Starknet is "5461067" |
DECODED | class_hash | class_hash | |
DECODED | from_address | l2_address | Renamed |
DECODED | load_id | loaded_at | Renamed |
DECODED | message_order | message_order | |
DECODED | payload | payload | |
DECODED | timestamp | block_timestamp | Renamed |
DECODED | to_address | l1_address | Renamed |
DECODED | tx_hash | tx_hash | |
DECODED | trace_id | call_id | Renamed |
Last updated